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Critically Appraised VCUG Studies

1989 - 2010

A row of blue hospital beds.

Reliability of voiding cystourethrography to detect reflux


A black-and-white silhouette of a little girl swinging on a playground, framed by shadowy trees.

Children's concerns and memory: Issues of ecological validity in the study of children's eyewitness testimony.


A little girl gazing solemnly out the window, holding a stuffed teddy bear.

Children's memory for a salient medical procedure: implications for testimony


A dark profile of a little girl.

Management of anxious and painful manifestations in pediatric uroradiology


A cropped shot of a little girl waiting on a bench, holding a teddy bear for comfort.

Follow-up study of urinary tract infection associated with vesicoureteral reflux


A cropped shot of a healthcare provider supportively holding hands with a pediatric patient.

The medical management of intersexed children: an analogue for childhood sexual abuse


A little girl with long braids sitting alone, facing the wall.

Remembering early experiences during childhood


A sad little girl gazing down at her teddy bear, alone in her room.

Test or trauma? The voiding cystourethrogram experience of young children


A mental health illustration depicting PTSD and trauma.

Emotion and memory: children’s long-term remembering, forgetting, and suggestibility


A stressed little girl embraces her mother, burying her head in her shoulder.

Children’s recall of medical experiences: the impact of stress


Silhouettes of two parents with little girl standing between them, hands resting protectively on her shoulders.

A family screening of patients with vesicoureteral reflux


A pediatric provider taking notes with a young patient waiting in the background.

Evaluation of timing of voiding cystourethrogram after urinary tract infection


A family provider holding a stethoscope.

Reduction in voiding cystourethrographies after the introduction of contrast enhanced sonographic reflux diagnosis


A pediatric nurse jotting down notes on a clipboard, a family blurred in the background.

Perception of fear, distress and pain by parents of children undergoing a micturating cystourethrogram: a prospective study


A little girl, hand outstretched toward the setting sun.

Predicting children’s response to an invasive medical investigation: the influence of effortful control and parent behavior


An ominous silhouette cast across a child's bedroom wall.

Detecting deception in children: event familiarity affects criterion-based content analysis ratings


A scared little girl hugging her mom's neck with worried eyes.

Hypnosis reduces distress and duration of an invasive medical procedure for children


A little girl sitting in class with her teddy bear beside her, gazing up at an empty chalkboard.

A systematic review of age-related errors in children’s memories for Voiding Cystourethrogram


A cropped shot of a young woman in a hospital bed, an IV in her wrist.

Fluoroscopy-controlled voiding cystourethrography in infants and children: are the radiation risks trivial?


A little girl walking alone through a field, wearing flannel and braids.

Brief report: optimizing children’s memory and management of an invasive medical procedure: the influence of procedural narration and distraction


A healthcare provider typing on a laptop, their stethoscope lying on the table beside them.

American Urological Association (AUA) Panel


A radiology imaging clinic.

Voiding urosonography as first step in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux in children: a clinical experience


Two physicians consulting with each other over a clipboard.

Study of post procedural complications associated with voiding cystourethrography


A cropped shot of a newborn infant's little feet snuggled in a warm blanket.

Infantile Bladder Rupture during Voiding Cystourethrography


A dimly lit radiology exam room.

Chronological age for the spontaneous resolution of vesicoureteral reflux


A row of neatly made hospital beds with pink and blue sheets.

Urinary tract infection following voiding cystourethrography


A child crying into her mom's shoulder.

Comparing stress levels in children aged 2-8 years and in their accompanying parents during first-time versus repeated voiding cystourethrograms


A patient undergoing an MRI as a provider manages controls behind the scenes.

Effective dose estimation for pediatric voiding cystourethrography using an anthropomorphic phantom set and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology


A cropped black-and-white shot of a stethoscope.

Summary of the AUA Guideline on Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children


A cropped shot of a dad standing with his little boy, enjoying the outdoors.

Development of a patient educational intervention to improve satisfaction of parents whose children are having a VCUG


A mom and her little girl walking down a cobblestone street, holding hands.

Parents compliance to perform the voiding cystourethrogram test after urinary tract infection


A mother and her daughter forming a heart shape with their hands, foreheads pressed against each other.

Assessment of parental satisfaction in children undergoing VCUG without sedation


A family sitting with their backs turned, gazing out at a beautiful forest.

Difference of anxiety of parents: before & after the VCUG


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