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Assessment of parental satisfaction in children undergoing VCUG without sedation


Assessment of parental satisfaction in children undergoing VCUG without sedation
  • Children in the process of toilet training had the most difficulty with the procedure, correlating with lower levels of parental satisfaction.”

  • “More than 750 VCUGs were performed in the authors’ diagnostic radiology unit annually, and this number was projected to continue increasing (Tacoma General Hospital, 2008).”

  • “Because patients came from more than 300 referral sources, education was inconsistent and sometimes nonexistent.”

  • “The educational DVD produced by the project improved the satisfaction and confidence of a parent whose child was scheduled for a VCUG…. The results showed an increase in parent satisfaction and children’s ability to cope with the procedure because of the educational information plus the increase in confidence of their ability to care for their child.”

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