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Kritisch bewertete VCUG-Studien

2017 - 2024

A trio of masked nurses posing for the camera.

Population-based trend analysis of voiding cystourethrogram ordering practices in a single-payer healthcare system before and after the release of evaluation guidelines


A female provider explaining medical data to a patient using an iPad.

New trends in voiding cystourethrography and vesicoureteral reflux: who, when, and how?


A physician consulting with a patient, paperwork on the table between them.

Minimizing the risk of psychological trauma during pediatric voiding cystourethrogram


A little girl trying VR goggles in a blue lit room.

Can virtual reality help children undergoing urologic procedures?


A radiologist interpreting diagnostic imaging test results.

Pediatric Imaging, Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology


A physician evaluating radiologic imaging results on a white screen.

Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Receiving Sedation for Voiding Cystourethrography


A little girl smiling at a hospital worker from a gurney bed, holding his hand.

Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography in the assessment of vesical-ureteral reflux: the time has come


A radiology exam room.

Evaluation of the Diagnostic Value of Contrast-Enhanced Voiding Urosonography with Regard to the Further Therapy Regime and Patient Outcome-A Single-Center Experience in an Interdisciplinary Uroradiological Setting


A masked hospital worker reviewing information on a desktop computer.

Standardized protocol for voiding cystourethrogram: Are recommendations being followed?


A brightly lit hospital lobby.

Safety assessment and diagnostic evaluation of patients undergoing contrast-enhanced urosonography in the setting of vesicoureteral reflux confirmation


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