New trends in voiding cystourethrography and vesicoureteral reflux: who, when, and how?

“The literature has shown significant variability among institutions regarding the VCUG protocol used, as well as inconsistent reporting of the findings from the VCUG between institutions.”
“Given the invasive and relatively unpleasant nature of a VCUG, it is important that as much information as possible is obtained and reported when these studies are carried out.”
“In addition to potential patient and parental distress associated with a VCUG, it also exposes the child to radiation.”
“Sedation or immobilization can be considered as long as these methods do not alter the ability of the child to void, which will impact the test outcomes. Patient and caregiver education, as well as a comfortable environment with child life specialists, have also been shown to reduce the stress associated with invasive testing.”
“Although the benefits generally outweigh the risks, it is logical to optimize the quality and consistency of data obtained from each VCUG, as it is an invasive study.”