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Kritisch bewertete VCUG-Studien

1989 - 2010

Ein Arzt tippt auf einem Laptop, sein Stethoskop liegt neben ihm auf dem Tisch.

Gremium der American Urological Association (AUA).


A radiology imaging clinic.

Harnwegs-Urosonographie als erster Schritt in der Diagnose des vesikoureteralen Refluxes bei Kindern: eine klinische Erfahrung


Two physicians consulting with each other over a clipboard.

Untersuchung postprozeduraler Komplikationen im Zusammenhang mit der Blasenentleerungszystourethrographie


A cropped shot of a newborn infant's little feet snuggled in a warm blanket.

Infantile Bladder Rupture during Voiding Cystourethrography


Ein schwach beleuchteter radiologischer Untersuchungsraum.

Chronologisches Alter für die spontane Auflösung des vesikoureteralen Refluxes


A row of neatly made hospital beds with pink and blue sheets.

Harnwegsinfektion nach Miktionszystourethrographie


A child crying into her mom's shoulder.

Comparing stress levels in children aged 2-8 years and in their accompanying parents during first-time versus repeated voiding cystourethrograms


A patient undergoing an MRI as a provider manages controls behind the scenes.

Effective dose estimation for pediatric voiding cystourethrography using an anthropomorphic phantom set and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology


A cropped black-and-white shot of a stethoscope.

Summary of the AUA Guideline on Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children


A cropped shot of a dad standing with his little boy, enjoying the outdoors.

Development of a patient educational intervention to improve satisfaction of parents whose children are having a VCUG


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