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Kritisch bewertete VCUG-Studien

1989 - 2010

Silhouettes of two parents with little girl standing between them, hands resting protectively on her shoulders.

A family screening of patients with vesicoureteral reflux


A pediatric provider taking notes with a young patient waiting in the background.

Bewertung des Zeitpunkts des Miktionszystourethrogramms nach einer Harnwegsinfektion


A family provider holding a stethoscope.

Reduction in voiding cystourethrographies after the introduction of contrast enhanced sonographic reflux diagnosis


A pediatric nurse jotting down notes on a clipboard, a family blurred in the background.

Wahrnehmung von Angst, Kummer und Schmerz durch Eltern von Kindern, die sich einem Miktionszystourethrogramm unterziehen: eine prospektive Studie


A little girl, hand outstretched toward the setting sun.

Predicting children’s response to an invasive medical investigation: the influence of effortful control and parent behavior


Eine bedrohliche Silhouette, die über die Wand eines Kinderzimmers geworfen wurde.

Täuschung bei Kindern erkennen: Vertrautheit mit Ereignissen beeinflusst kriterienbasierte Bewertungen der Inhaltsanalyse


A scared little girl hugging her mom's neck with worried eyes.

Hypnosis reduces distress and duration of an invasive medical procedure for children


A little girl sitting in class with her teddy bear beside her, gazing up at an empty chalkboard.

A systematic review of age-related errors in children’s memories for Voiding Cystourethrogram


A cropped shot of a young woman in a hospital bed, an IV in her wrist.

Fluoroscopy-controlled voiding cystourethrography in infants and children: are the radiation risks trivial?


A little girl walking alone through a field, wearing flannel and braids.

Brief report: optimizing children’s memory and management of an invasive medical procedure: the influence of procedural narration and distraction


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