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Die Geschichte einer Überlebenden, die nicht zum Schweigen gebracht wurde

„Ich habe keine Beruhigungsmittel oder sonst etwas zur Schmerzlinderung bekommen, als sie mir den Katheter eingeführt haben. Ich habe geschrien, gebrüllt und geweint, weil es so SCHMERZHAFT war.“

I was around 12 years old when this happened to me, and prior to this, my grandmother was always a controlling woman who believed I had urinary issues when in fact I in fact did not and just had a small bladder. I went to this doctor a couple of times, I considered it the bathroom doctor as I never figured out the name of it, not even to this day that I know. There was one time I recalled that I had to drink a lot of water and hold it until I got there, then, I would wait in the waiting room needing to pee, it was so embarrassing sitting there and rubbing my legs together to hold my urine. That was when I was brought into a room, I remember being in a wheelchair of some sort? It was so vague, but I remember it. I was taken away from my grandma and brought into this room, where I was asked to remove my clothing and strip in front of these men. No women were in the room, not even a female nurse. I felt so alone, and I did what I was asked. I received no sedation or anything to numb the pain as they inserted the catheter. I was screaming, yelling and crying about how PAINFUL it was. I was told repeatedly that it was not that painful, but they had no idea about how PAINFUL it really was. I was 12 years, naked and being held down by these strangers with tears in my eyes. When it was done, I could not walk and go to the bathroom by myself for three days because of this procedure. I never knew the name of this until I saw your post on it, thank you for giving me the voice I needed and that those who went through this are not alone.

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