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Advocating for Your Child's Care

Exercise your right to give true informed consent for your child's medical care by exploring our advocacy resources below.

A little girl gazing solemnly out her bedroom window, clutching a teddy bear.

VCUG & Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Similarities

Educational resources detailing significant and well-documented similarities between VCUGs and child sexual abuse (CSA).

Supporting Families & Parents of Young Children with Kidney Reflux (VUR)

Having a young child with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a stressful reality for many families. Although VUR affects tens of millions of kids every year, it can be challenging to find a path forward to VUR diagnosis and management due to limited resources.


At the Unsilenced Movement, we understand how stressful and isolating it can be to make difficult decisions for your child’s care. Many parents are left to navigate these emotional, physical, and financial burdens on their own. Our goal is to make this journey as stress-free as possible by providing the resources and support your family deserves.

Exercising Your Right to Informed Consent

Since 2023, our grassroots organization has been dedicated to supporting families like yours through the complex, emotional, and difficult journey of navigating a kidney reflux diagnosis. Our mission is to empower parents to make informed decisions for their child’s immediate and long-term health needs by exercising their right to informed consent.


Because minor children cannot legally consent to medical procedures under the law, parents play a critical role in their child’s health. As the one consenting on your child’s behalf, collaborative and informed medical decision-making is essential to safeguard their adult health and future.


This is especially true regarding voiding cystourethrograms (VCUGs), the gold-standard diagnostic test for VUR that has been repeatedly proven to result in the same psychological trauma as child sexual abuse (Goodman et al., 1990; Merritt et al., 1994; Pipe et al., 1997; Pezdek et al., 2004), or “a violent rape” (Azarfar et al., 2014).


Effective informed consent is more than a legal right; it’s a fundamental pillar of protecting children’s long-term physical and emotional health. No matter the medical circumstances, you deserve to be actively involved in your child’s care—not as a bystander, but as an informed decision-maker who can advocate for their well-being.

How We Help

At the Unsilenced Movement, we deeply value every individual’s right to bodily autonomy, which is why we never tell families what they “should” or shouldn’t do in medical scenarios. Instead, our mission is to equip parents and families with the necessary tools to engage with healthcare providers, ask the right questions, and advocate for the best possible care for their children. No matter where you’re at in your journey, we offer a wealth of resources and critically acclaimed research to help you move forward with confidence and clarity.

You're not alone. Join the Unsilenced Movement to raise awareness about VCUG trauma and advocate for overdue reform in pediatric urology. Because kids deserve better. #MoreThanATest

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